Electronic Communication Policies

Can I Email, Text, Facebook, be LinkedIn? How do you communicate?

  • Email Communication -  Listed are the ways that I do and do not use email communication with clients.  1. Email communication is used to advise clients of upcoming appointments the day before (sometimes two days before) their scheduled appointments. This is a courtesy to clients. Normally clients with Monday appointments will be sent a confirmation email on Fridays. It is ultimately the clients responsibility to keep track of scheduled appointments. Occasionally I am unable to send out reminder emails. 2. Needed re-scheduling on my end is normally done through email communication. 3. Brief follow up information after a session is at times sent via email for a timely response. For example a needed resource in the community, etc. But in general I will provide followup information in the next session.  Email communication is not used in place of in office therapy or counseling sessions.  Communication done during session is the most therapeutic way for working on presenting issues. I do realize for parents who have children in therapy that things change quickly and they feel a need to update me. I can normally work in a needed appointment for parents who need some quick answers. Of course if you have a critical situation you are welcome to call me.   In addition, parents should have set appointments to give me updated information on progress and current issues for their child. 4. Occasionally I will send out an update to all of my clients via email. This is done in a way that your email is not disclosed to others. If you feel uncomfortable with use of email communication and do not want to be communicated with via this medium, please advise me so I can make a notation in your chart and I will use phone and mail to contact you. If you are comfortable with email reminders, please advise me of which email address you wish to be contacted at.  Sometimes I will have more than one on file. I try to put a subject heading in the email that is one that will not indicate anything too revealing that may compromise your privacy. Your confirmation appointment time will be listed in subject heading, but not with whom.  Important Note:  I try to keep my email communication as protected as possible, but there is never a complete guarantee with viruses, etc. 
  • Phone Communication - I will leave voicemails for you on your phones. If you do not want me to use a particular phone to leave a voicemail, please let me know. I will only leave my name and number and information that is not confidential, such as a cancellation, etc. You are welcome to leave a voice mail for me on my business phone 918-749-1550 at any time. I do pick up my voice mails as frequently as possible. My voice mail is confidential and no one else has access to it. My office phone is rolled over into my cell at night. I do screen voice mail as frequently as possible and will respond if there is an emergency. But will not call  you back until business hours if it is not an emergency. If I cannot be reached with an emergency in regard to self harm or harm to others, you can call Tulsa's community crisis agency / hot line, COPES at 918-744-4800 if you are in the area.  Or you can always call 911.  Or another emergency number in your community. 
  • Text Communication -  In general I do not use text communication, unless I have had trouble reaching you via phone and email to cancel our appointment due to illness or bad weather. If this is the case, I may text you with this kind of time critical information. You may text with this kind of information too if need be. But otherwise due to text being one of the least protected electronic mediums I will normally not use utilize it. 
  • Facebook Communication -  I do have a business Facebook page. It is www.facebook.com/stromtherapy.I hope you will find this helpful.  I will have brief posts on relationship tips, positive affirmations, links to helpful relationship and well being information and resources. This of course is not a place for personal questions or therapy work as it is a public medium. I currently have a very restricted personal face book page and am not able to "friend" clients on my personal page.  I also do not try to access client Facebook pages as I feel this is an invasive of your privacy. 
  • Linked In - I do have a professional Linked In Account, but I am not able to include you in my network or be a part of yours due to potential confidential and dual relationship issues. It is nothing personal as to me not responding to your Linked In request. I respect and appreciate your use of this media, but I want to make sure I protect your privacy. You are welcome to look at my Linked In Account. I might add I will not on purpose try to access your Linked In account. 
  • My Blog "Creating Branches" -  It is a blog intended to share information on healthy relationships and on fun activities that couples and families can do at home and in the community. I also have articles on individual well being. I hope you will check it out. www.creatingbranches.com
  • Quarterly Well Being Newsletters - I send out via an email service my quarterly newsletter. I normally have a theme with regular columns in which I share information The columns I build my newsletter around are as follows: Individual  Well Being, Couple Connection &  Family. This newsletter is sent to all of my current and past clients and professionals in the community who I have contact with and wish to receive it. The newsletter is open to anyone who wishes to receive it. If you are a client and you do not wish to receive this quarterly newsletter, please let me know and I will remove you off of the mailing list. You can access some of my past newsletters by going into my website tab - Well Being Newsletters. My website is:www.stromtherapy.com 

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"Life is like a car; you have a forward gear and a reverse gear. You decide which way you want to go." ---- Joel Osteen

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